Walk 2 : Haworth Circular (KWVR Steam Railway)

A Circular Walk from Haworth, featuring views of the passing Steam Railway Trains as they travel on from Oxenhope.

Please consult Keighley and Worth Valley Railways website for timetable.

Easy walk If setting off in the Winter at noon you will be back in Haworth for 4.15, if you are a regular walker (before the light starts to fade quickly).

Always wear boots that cope well in mud and very shallow water.

Check out the predicted weather for the day so you have suitable outer wear.

Take Hiking Poles if you want to have more stability.

Start from Haworth Station:

Exit Haworth station, and turn immediately right, to walk up the raised wooden walkway which crosses the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway via a bridge.

Walk up the steep cobblestone path to enter Haworth Central Park by the first entrance on your left

Take the uphill route through the park (past the bandstand) to exit onto the main road.

Carefully cross this busy road to walk up Main Street to St Michael and All Angels’ Church on your left at the top of the hill.

Walk up the steps and enter the church yard.

Turn immediately to your left and follow the stone path through the graveyard on to a kissing gate

Continue straight on the stone flagged path (with the chicken runs to your left) to a junction footpath sign where the path changes to unmade.

DO not take the right fork (to Top Withens on the Bronte Way )

Instead keep straight on the path between two low walls and follow it when it zig zags first right uphill between two higher walls and then left (with the garden wall of Snowden House to your right)

Go alongside the walled garden to follow the path right up a hill to a small wooden gate.

Turn immediately left here onto the farm pasture.

Continue with the wall to your left until you reach a narrow road.

On the road turn right towards Dimple Lane before taking a very sharp left after only a few steps, onto the Bronte Way.

This can be easily missed as the Leylandii trees are taking over the footpath

Continue with the Leylandii trees to your left, to pass onto a gap in the wall back out onto pasture again.

Continue past the first gap in the wall leading to fields of Old Oxenhope Farm to go onto a walled path which now joins the route of the Railway Children Film Walk at the wind turbines.

At the end of the walled path continue on the paved track through the farm yard to enter Old Oxenhope Lane.

Turn left down the road and then right at the T junction onto Marsh Lane

Take the first left onto Moorhouse Lane, down the hill and then left onto Mill Lane

Walk past Oxenhope Steam Railway forecourt in the direction of their overspill car park with Oxenhope Millennium Green to your right.

Take the first left onto the Worth and Bronte Way at the overspill car park and walk through into an unmade path. Follow this with Bridgehouse Beck on your left.

Take first left over a metal bridge, then right, alongside the railway track between two stone walls.

At a Kissing gate go straight on with the sewage treatment plant to your left

Bend right with the beck now on your right past an elaborate free range chicken enclosure

Continue to turn right over a metal bridge

Turn left and continue as the path winds right uphill and onto a lane

Turn left through the driveway of a house (Ives Bottom Farm) then bear left onto the unmade track one more time through a gap in the wall.

Go straight on with a derelict farm building to your right

Going straight on a new build housing estate will eventually become visable to your left

Continue past this until you exit onto Station Road. Haworth Railway Station is right and straight ahead