Walk 3 : Oxenhope Circular (Leeshaw Reservoir)

Oxenhope circular walk passing Leeshaw Reservoir, a natural bird sanctuary.

This is a difficult walk up steep inclines with parts of the route in (or after) rainfall turning into streams with mud and poor footing.

If setting off in the Winter at noon from Oxenhope station you will be back there for 4.30 before the light fades quickly, (if you are a regular walker and do not need to stop en route)

Always wear boots that cope well in mud and running water.

Check out the predicted weather for the day so you have suitable outer wear.

Take Hiking Poles for more stability, this covers difficult terrain.

Exit Oxenhope station left towards the overspill car park

Continue a short way on the narrow made road, Mill Lane, to turn left into the overspill car park.

Continue past a detached house on your right to a footpath past the Engine Shed on your left.

Continue straight ahead with Bridgehouse Beck on your left hand side on a well defined path until a turn left over a metal bridge.

At the end go up the stone step stile facing you leading onto the KWVR Steam Railway crossing.

Cross with care to climb the steps at the other side up to a bench and small wooden gate

Go through the gate and ascend this steep hill keeping the drystone wall to your left until the top.

Pass through the wooden swing gate and turn immediately left, past “Three Chimneys” house (Bents House)

Continue on “Perks” delivery path from the Railway Children Film with a stone wall to your right and the gardens of houses to your left

The path continues through a stone gap stile

At the end of this path walk down to the main road, cross over with care and turn right walking a short distance before the first left hand lane

Continue on Moorhouse Lane until you reach pasture and a stile into the field.

Walk across the field to a small metal gate exiting past Hoyle Syke farm

Pass the farm and walk ahead to turn a corner heading right with a footpath sign bearing left up ahead, follow this sign

Walk on this path with a stone wall and stream to your left

Exit by a metal kissing gate

Continue straight ahead zig zagging left then right between a row of cottages

Continue through the stile at the end of the narrow path

Go straight across the field to exit between two stone pillars

Walk past Pin Hill End Farm down the lane to exit opposite Hawksbridge Lane

Turn immediately right up Moorside Lane and walk a short distance up the hill with a field on your left

Turn left at the first road off onto Lee Lane behind the row of cottages

Continue straight ahead passing “The Lee” farmhouse on your left and follow the now unmade track as it bends upwards towards Leeshaw Reservoir

Pass the Reservoir run off on the right

Continue on the track as it bends right on the side of the reservoir

Continue on as the path straightens out ahead

Follow the path as it bends steeply left uphill towards a farm

Ignore the first public footpath sign to your left onto pasture and continue the steep ascent past the farmhouse

At the next footpath sign go on the Calder Aire Link

Go through the metal gate with far reaching views to the Moors and the Reservoir and start the gentle descent on the well defined path

This track is often muddy

Go through the first gate where much of the lower section starts to form a stream after any rain

Past a second gate and on a further wet and muddy path to emerge with another Calder Aire link footpath sign pointing left

Continue on the lane ignoring the next Calder Aire link sign down through a hamlet

Walk straight on until the top of Hawksbridge Lane

Descend the lane

Go past the dairy farm

At the end of Hawksbridge Lane there is a junction with the main road

Cross the road to retrace your steps back through Pin Hill End farm

Pass through the field and the zig, zag to the kissing gate

Here turn immediately right through the farm yard instead of going through the gate on the route from the station

Open the gate usually by removing a camping tie hooked through the wrought-iron and out onto a path which is walled on each side

Continue down the path to the bottom where there is a stile in the left hand corner 

Continue over the stile until a little bridge to your right which can be ankle deep in water to get onto it

Cross the bridge and follow the footpath left

Cross over the stream and up the other side

Walk diagonally to a gate in the wall

Exit the gate again walking diagonally towards the bottom football pitch at Oxenhope F.C.

Continue with the stone wall to your left until you reach the gate into the second (sloping) football pitch.

Go through the gate and across the pitch diagonally to exit onto the drive from the football club

Continue until the main road and turn left here to go past the Bay Horse Pub and down the road back to the station